
How to Provide Support During Recovery From Cosmetic Surgery

It’s important to have a good support system during recovery from cosmetic surgery. Whether the person having surgery is a spouse, significant other, or friend, you are who they will turn to! So how can you help them?

Attend as many appointments with them as you can.

The consultation will go over all important information in depth including how the procedure is completed, the risks and benefits for each procedure, and what to expect in recovery.

At the pre-op appointment, our medical staff will go through the important details again and focus more on the specific surgical plan that will take place. This is a great time to ask questions and familiarize yourself with what post-op care will entail!

On the day of surgery, the patient will need to arrive at the time they were instructed to. They will need their caregiver to drop them off at the appropriate surgery center and they will provide the caregivers’ contact information to our medical staff prior to surgery. Our medical staff will update the caregiver as needed throughout surgery and give them ample notice on when to arrive for patient pick up. After surgery and recovery, our post-op nurse will provide the caregiver with instructions, medication information, and post-op appointment information. The patient will be unable to operate a vehicle for a certain period of time following surgery, depending on medication and doctor’s instructions. The patient will be due back the next day for their 1-day post-op appointment. At this time, our board-certified surgeon will give further instructions on limitations and physical restrictions.

Any follow up appointments will provide more details on how the patient is recovering, what to look out for, and how to help.

Read their pre- and post-op instruction sheets so that you are familiar with them

These list in detail what to expect at each stage of cosmetic surgery.

Make sure the patient takes it very easy for at least the first few days after surgery. Walking around a little bit is recommended (10 minutes every two hours walking indoors) but nothing more than that. No laundry, no cleaning, no cooking, no lifting more than a paperback book. This is important for a good recovery.

Set them up in a comfortable spot with all their necessities within reach

A drink – water, fruit juice, milk, yogurt drink (at least 8 ounces every two hours)

Book and/or remote

Small snacks – granola bars, protein shakes, fruit, anything healthy

All medications – with a notebook or something to keep track of when to take each one.

If the patient has kids or pets, take care of them too!

As always, our medical staff is available to answer any questions you may have!

Please feel free to call at (512) 244-1444!

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